Friday, July 25, 2008

Important Events.

Weeeell, i kinda made my blog a little too late.
Several VERY important things have happened recently, and i haven't been able to write anything about him. So now i'm just gonna write a few things about the recent events that have occured.

# 1;

Taylor's Birthday

july 15th

My little Brother's Birthday was July 15th. Me and my family went out to eat to celebrate. Dinner was GRATE!! i can't remember the name of the restaraunt, but i'll definately be going again!
Happy Birthday Taylor!!!

# 2;
8th Grade Dance and Graduation!!
Danielle, Spenser, and Me-may 29th

The Eighth Grade Dance was definately one of the best night of my life! Usually our school dances kinda...suck...but this one was REALLY fun! i loved it sooo much. Me and Spenser arrived together! :] And we were up in front of the band the WHOLE time dancing. We were actually some of the few who were actually brave enough to dance. Not a lot of people did!

may 30th

The Graduation was and my friends cried. Yes, we're going into HighSchool, but all that means is things are just gonna keep changing. It's so sad. I'm only 14 and i know that time is passing by faster than i want it too. I just have to stay strong and make it through this! On the bright side, we did have a party after this! It was probably the best night of my life! This is also the day me and Tyler got back together! <3


Spenser's Birthday
Kyle, Mark, Me, Ninoshka, Andrew, Brandon, Evan, Travis, Christian, and Spenser.
This really was a long time ago! Spenser's birthday is April 22nd, and we had her party at Her aunt's house. It was reeeeeally fun!
Happy Birthday Spenser!!!
It's funny how the funnest things seemed to happen at the end of eighth grade year...i'd have to say that, my eighth grade year has been a year of change. I've changed SOO much, if you didn't really know me, you wouldn't be able to tell that seventh grade McKenzie and eighth grade McKenzie were the same person. I've learned that i'm alot more mature and realize more things than the people around me do. So i'll always be a little seperated...and though that's sad, it's how i am. There's no helping it. I now know that the key to surviving isn't's learning to live with yourself. So i'm gonna have to do that! These changes are sad and i don't want anymore, but at the same time, i'm looking forward to them! weird, i know!

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